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Covid-19 Visitation

For the latest Lorien Covid-19 related information click here.

We are now open for visitation as of 11.12.21. For more information contact your community. 

  • Lorien Bel Air- 410.803.1400
  • Lorien Bulle Rock- 410.939.9300
  • Lorien Columbia- 410.531.5300
  • Lorien Elkridge- 410.579.2626
  • Lorien Encore- 410.461.7070
  • Lorien Harmony Hall- 410.531.6000
  • Lorien Mays Chapel- 410.252.0880
  • Lorien Mt. Airy- 301.829.6050
  • Lorien Taneytown- 410.756.6400

Updates as of 9/21/2021:

We are in the process of scheduling Covid-19 Booster Clinics at each of Lorien Health Services’ buildings.

For more information about the Covid-19 vaccination please click here:




Previous Updates:

Updates to families and employees from Lou Grimmel CEO, click here.

Team Vaccination Letter (1.12.21): Click Here

Lorien has mandated universal masking for all employees. (4.2.2020)

University of Maryland Medical System created this informative video in regards to the conservation of PPE, proper ways to re-use specific types of masks, & how to correctly remove PPE: Watch the video here.

FAQS (4.16.20): Click Here

We encourage you to reach out to us if you have specific questions and/or concerns. Please click here or contact our Compliance Line at 1-855-859-0809.

Please use the below links for more information:
Governor’s Remarks
CMS Guidelines



CDC: Center for Disease Control

ACHA: American Health Care Association

CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Q: What is 2019 Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19?

A: Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that usually cause mild illness, like the common cold. COVID-19 is a new virus within that family, which can cause illness that is more severe than the common cold.

Q: What is the risk to the U.S. public right now?

A: Experts predict that in the coming weeks and months, we can expect to see more cases in the United States and worldwide. “Community” spread is how the common cold and flu are transmitted — meaning people catch it from each other while going about their daily lives. Reported community spread of COVID-19 in parts of the U.S. raises the level of concern about the immediate threat for the affected communities.

Q: How do I prevent myself from becoming infected with COVID-19?

A: Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if you don’t have soap and water
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Encourage others to wash their hands, as well as cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing


Additional Resources & Updates:

CDC Coronavirus Information and Prevention Links


Maryland Updates


Maryland Department of Health and Maryland Department of Aging resources: