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Lorien Elkridge Testimonial 2

Dear Mr. Mangioni,

My husband Donald V.Fandetti was a patient at Lorien Elkridge. He sadly died on October 24, 2017. This letter is to share with you observations of some of the remarkable staff members in that setting. During Don's stay in your facility, he developed strong relationships with some staff members who were absolutely extraordinary human beings and high level professional. These staff members that I will mention were knowledgeable in their respective fields, extremely kind and further reached out to the family members to assist them in understanding the complexities of Don's health issues.

I would first like to mention Luc Rodriquez, RN. Luc is a sharp and knowledgeable nurse who understood the physical problems that Don endured. She always seemed to have solutions in assisting Don. She was willing to take the time to make adjustments which so often provided Don with comfort. She was also extremely willing to be supportive to our entire family. We all felt a deep attachment to Luc. There are three aides who were remarkable and seemed so committed to Don regaining good health. The first was Chanel. She realized how important food would be in Don's recovery. Each morning when I would come in she would stop me and report what percentage of his breakfast Don ate. It was as if she were reporting a professional victory. It was always a joy to see Chanel in the morning and hear her summary of Don. Tyeisha was another aide who was so committed to Don and to me. She was kind, so willing to take time and effort to provide comfort to Don. One had a sense that her patients were extremely important to her. She would look deeply at Don and ask, “can I help you in any other way Don”. One further aide who was outstanding was Jasmine. Although we did not have as much interaction with her, she was extremely warm and kind and no request ever seemed excessive to Jasmine. The role of aides in your facility cannot be overstated. They are called upon to provide so many essential tasks and that must seem burdensome at times. Lastly I would like to comment on the Asst. Dir. Of Nursing, Kari. Kari was so knowledgeable. She would sometimes actually take notes on information that was presented her. Her assessments were always sharp and she conveyed speed and deliberation in addressing things. She also was an extremely kind human being. When Don died, she was one of the people who went to Don's room and said a prayer for him. That combines science and spirituality in the most touching manner. In closing, it would not be possible to discuss Lorien Elkridge without discussing Teddi Harris. Teddi worked feverishly and always made herself available when necessary. She is a professional who was totally objective. One would feel great support from her but she would also be candid if she disagreed with a point of view that was presented to her. Teddi is such a vibrant person who loves her role as social worker at Lorien Elkridge. Because of her own personal confidence, she seemed at ease in going in many directions for the health and safety of the patient. Sometimes she seemed to be the backbone of Lorien Elkridge.

In closing, Mr. Mangione, I wanted to share this information with you. I might comment that you also were extremely kind on the morning that Don died. You came by to visit the family who had assembled and you so genuinely seemed grieved.

-Kay E Fandetti

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