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Lorien Health Services in Taneytown Crown Beck Wisotzkey ‘Queen of Spintopia’

Lorien Taneytown crowned Becky Wisotzkey “Queen of Spintopia” last week after the 95-year-old became the longest running contestant playing the virtual live-hosted interactive game.

A year ago, Lorien partnered with Sasha Dawn, the CEO and founder of Utopia Experiences, a Columbia, MD-based company that created a live-hosted game show called Spintopia – like Wheel of Fortune – specifically geared toward seniors.

“What an honor,” Wisotzkey said after receiving a Spintopia sash and crown from Dawn who made the presentation. “I have been living here for seven years, that is a long time, but this has been probably the most beneficial-type half hour that I spend here playing this game. It gives me a lot to think about … it brings back a lot of knowledge to play it.”

To learn more about this great story, make sure to click here.

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Lorien Health Services is constantly moving forward by seeking out, and adapting to, the ever-changing trends in healthcare technology as a means to maximize the quality of life for the people we serve.