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Lorien Taneytown Testimonial 2

While I was obtaining my RN license it was offered to take a summer course to obtain my LPN. I felt as though this would be a good idea so I could gain experience working on the floor as a nurse while finishing up my RN degree. Upon getting my LPN degree I applied at Lorien in Taneytown, reluctantly, as what I thought I wanted to do was work in the Labor and Delivery field of nursing.. I began my career at Lorien in Taneytown and was extremely and happily surprised at not only the family- like but also extremely professional environment I had entered. Prior to working at Lorien in Taneytown I was afraid of working in a “nursing home” because of all of the horrible things I had heard and what that word meant to me based off of those things I had heard throughout the years. After finishing my RN degree I was so in love with the Lorien Taneytown community that I furthered my career at Lorien and am now proudly the delegating nurse and assisted living manager to what I consider the most wonderful, cleanliest, caring, family- like facility in the state or united states for I am concerned. I could not speak more highly of what a great facility I am able to be a part of making better each and every day!

Taylor Johnson RN, DN, ALM

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Lorien Health Services is constantly moving forward by seeking out, and adapting to, the ever-changing trends in healthcare technology as a means to maximize the quality of life for the people we serve.